Black Tie Taste of Reach 2024

Black Tie Taste of Reach 2024

 The 6th Annual Taste of Reach Fundraiser at Tasty Indian Bistro, North Delta, benefiting Reach Child and Youth Development Society (REACH) enjoyed outstanding support on November 7th. This year’s event raised $101,600 in funding to support mental health in REACH Counselling Program and is the highest total in the history of the event!  “We are so grateful for Tasty Indian Bistro and all of our sponsors, donors, volunteers and guests for their generosity and care for children and families in our community”, said Events Coordinator Tamara Veitch. Visit our Facebook Event album to see all the photos! Read the post press release coverage at the North Delta Reporter and Delta Optimist.

The high energy evening enjoyed the talents of Erin Cebula, MC and of guest auctioneer Ian Paton, MLA Delta-South. Other guests included City of Delta Mayor George Harvie, Councillors Dylan Kruger and Rod Binder, as well as City of Surrey Councillors Linda Annis and Mike Bose.  Presentations from REACH parent and Board Director Christine Sutherland, Counsellor Japneet Parmar and Family Navigator Pindi Mann explained specialized mental health supports that are vital for improving quality of life for vulnerable children and families.

REACH extends gratitude to host Tasty Indian Bistro, Presenting Sponsor Delta Agricultural Society, Platinum Sponsor Sedgwick Strategies and returning Gold Sponsor REALCO Properties for their generous community support of A Taste of Reach 2024.

Thanks for supporting Reach children and families !
